Money For Nothing – Dire Straits
Here we go – here`s my version of the intro to Money For Nothing,
Not so scarey after all is it ?
|–7-7-5–7-5-7-5-3-3-0—-7-7–3>s>5—0–3>s>5 5 5>s>3 0——————-|
|–5-5-5–5—5-5-5-5-5—-5-5–3>s>5—0–3>s>5 5 5>s>3 0——————-|
An alternate ending used in concert down here in oz, ~ 1987 towards the end of
the song.
–> play as above until-v
Here we go – here`s my version of the intro to Money For Nothing,
Not so scarey after all is it ?
|–7-7-5–7-5-7-5-3-3-0—-7-7–3>s>5—0–3>s>5 5 5>s>3 0——————-|
|–5-5-5–5—5-5-5-5-5—-5-5–3>s>5—0–3>s>5 5 5>s>3 0——————-|
An alternate ending used in concert down here in oz, ~ 1987 towards the end of
the song.
–> play as above until-v