From the Album – THE GALLERY
Version 1.0 – OCTOBER 2000
Transcribed by Pedro Guerrero
E-mail address: [email protected]
Check Out DEATH WARP, With More Transcriptions On It:
b = full bend = slide down ah = artificial x = muffled string
h = hammer-on / = slide up harmonic
p = pull-off M = palm mute ~ = hold note
. . . . . . . . . . . . . palm muting
. . . . . .
Fig.3 (gtr.2)
Gtr.2 plays fig.3 twice
Bridge to fig.4
NOTE: Only gtr.2 does the slide to A, gtr.1 keeps G sounding
Fig.4 (gtr.2)
Fig.5 (oops… let the problems begin – corrections are welcome) 😉
All notes played with excessive palm muting
Fig.5 (cont.)
All notes played with a very slightly palm muting
Bridge to chorus (play with triplets)
3 3 3
——– ——- ——-
Fig.6 (chorus or something like that)… I’m not sure of this part
(chord in brackets is played the last time)
Fig.7 (gtr.1 – play this part staccatoed)
Fig.7 (gtr.2 – play first time with excessive palm muting
and play second time with a slight palm muting)
Fig.8 (gtr.1)
. . . .
Gtr.2 plays fig.8 with E5
Then play fig.4 – Gtr.2 while gtr.1 plays this: (well, not perfect) 🙂
And play chorus again
SOLO (only the beginning, i couldn’t play it whole… :():
Fig.9 (Tremolo picked)
Fig.9b (Tremolo picked)
Fig.9c (Gtr.1) Not sure about this part
Fig.9c (Gtr.2) Not sure about this part
Fill Fig. 9c
Then play fig.9 and this is the last time:
Check Out DEATH WARP, With More Transcriptions On It: