By the Cure
from album ‘bloodflowers’
transcribed by Christian Reindel([email protected])
any questions or corrections- e-mail me
Normal tuning (E,A,D,G,b,E)
Em G (3 times)
Bm A (3 times)
D C Bm (3 times)
A Bm Cis (1 time)
D Em (4 times)
D Em D Em
D Em D Em
Verse 1
D Em
When we look back at it all as I know we will
Bm A
And I know we have to go -I realize
Bm A
we only get to stay so long
D Em
where we belong
Verse 2
D Em
When we think back to all this and I’m sure we will
Bm A
And I know we have to go -I realize
Bm A
We always have to say goodbye
D C Bm
But real lives are the reason why
D C Bm
We want to live another live
D C Bm
We want to feel another time
A Bm Cis
Another time
D Em (4 times)
D Em D Em
D Em D Em
Verse 3
D Em
When we look back at it all as I know we will
Bm A
And I know we have to go -I realize
Bm A
we always have to turn away
D C Bm
But real lives are why we stay
D C Bm
for another dream another day
D C Bm
for another world another way
A Bm Cis
for another way
D Em
One last time before it’s over
D Em
One last time before the end
D Em D
One last time before it’s time to go again