There’s nothing left for me, of days that used to be..
Cdim Bm7 E7 D E7 A Edim E7
there’s just a memory, among my souve..nirs.
A F#7 Bm7 E7 E9 A6 A
Some letters tied with blue, a photo..graph or two..
Cdim Bm7 E7 D E7 A
I see a rose from you, among my souv..enirs.
A A7 D6 D Bm7 E7 E9 A6 A
A few more tokens rest…..within my treasure chest.
And though they Do their best,
F#m7 B7 Em7 Bm7 E7
to give me con…so…la…..tion…
A F#7 Bm7 E7 E9 A6 A
I count them all apart, and as the teardrops start,
Cdim Bm7 E7 D E7 A F#m7 Bm E7
I find a broken heart, among my souve..nirs.
Bb G7 Cm7 F7 F9 Bb6 Bb
I count them all apart, and as the teardrops start,
C#dim Cm7 F7 D# F7 A# D#6 A#
I find a broken heart, among my souve..nirs.