Cocteau Twins – Know You at Every Age
From the album: 4 Calendar Cafe
Words/Music: Cocteau Twins
Tabs: Marcus H. Pedersen
Added to UG by Mikhailo
Intro/verse: (with phaser)
Em C D Am
e ———————5———————–
B —8—–8—-10—–5———————–
G —9—–9—-11—–5———————–
D —9—-10—-12—–7———————–
A —7—-10—-12—–7———————–
E ———8—-10—–5———————–
Bm – Am – D – Am
During the chorus Robin plays these very cool licks:
e ———————————————
B ———-3———-7—-7–7–7-7–5——-
G —2–4——-5–7——-7–7–7-7–5——–
D ———————————————
A ———————————————
E ———————————————
In the last Chorus Robin plays this:
e —————————————————————-
B ———-3———-7—-7–7–7-7–5——12–12–12—10–10-
G —2–4——-5–7——-7–7–7-7–5——12–12—12–10–10–
D —————————————————————-
A —————————————————————-
E —————————————————————-