Arranged by Elmore James
Rearranged by Eric Clapton
Transcribed by Brian Davies (comments to [email protected])
Clapton uses the following riff, pretty much note-for-note as the introduction
and both solos. If you’re feeling really authentic, substitute a slide
for all the hammer-ons and pull-offs. The lyrics with chords follow…
C# F#
(e) |-/9-9-7-|-9~~~~–9-9p7—-|——-9—–|————9-7——-|
(B) |-/9-9-7-|-9~~~~——–9p7h9~~~~—-7s5-|—————-7s5—|
(G) |——–|—————–|————-|-6p4h6~~~~———-6-|
(D) |——–|—————–|————-|-6p4h6~~~~———-6-|
(A) |——–|—————–|————-|———————-|
(E) |——–|—————–|————-|———————-|
4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
C# G# F# C# G#
(e) |——–9-9-9-|-13~~~–13-13s9-|-11~~~–13-9s7—|———–|
(B) |————–|—————-|—————7-|———–|
(G) |-6~~~~——–|—————-|—————–|-6~~~~~~—|
(D) |-6~~~~——–|—————-|—————–|-6~~~~~~—|
(A) |————–|—————-|—————–|———–|
(E) |————–|—————-|—————–|———–|
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
You said you was [C#] hurting, almost lost your mind,
And the man you [F#] love, he hurts you all the time.
When things go [C#] wrong, go wrong with [G#] you,
[F#] It hurts me, [C#] too. [G#]
You love him [C#] more when you should love him less.
I pick up be[F#]hind him and take his mess.
When things go [C#] wrong, go wrong with [G#] you,
[F#] It hurts me, [C#] too. [G#]
He love another [C#] woman and I love you,
But you love [F#] him and stick to him like glue.
When things go [C#] wrong, go wrong with [G#] you,
[F#] It hurts me, [C#] too. [G#]
Now you better [C#] leave him; he better put you down.
Oh, I won’t [F#] stand to see you pushed around.
When things go [C#] wrong, go wrong with [G#] you,
[F#] It hurts me, [C#] too. [G#]
[C] [C#]