Child’s Play tab
Child’s Play
(Tune down 2.5 steps to B)
Thanks to Royce, Daniel, and Jon…
After the bass intro, which follows the guitar part (or vice versa,
I suppose!):
(This intro bit actually goes E G Ab C Db, rather than E F# G C, as is
shown here for the first three measures.)
|——-0———-|—4—2——5h7-| Play this four times, but on the 2nd
|—2—–3——–|-5—–0—5h7—-| and 4th times, substitute the
|-0—————-|——————| hammerons with a slide back down…
… now repeat, then into the chorus, heavily vibratoed: A.H.
Guitar 1 just does a slow gallop rythm on an open B, while guitar two plays
this: (the gallop riff goes (6) open 2fr. 3fr. in rhythm, or something
like that)
slide down neck
(and I think that should prob be G5, not F#5, if I recall right, but I
haven’t listened to the song in ages).
After the lead… after the first two repetition, this is harmonised up
a fifth:
Jon offers the alternative suggestion for the chorus: