From their excellent album ‘Gallery of Suicide’
Tabbed by: Jason Mathie
[email protected]
In my opinion, the best song from this album. Probably has something to
do with its incredible speed.
For some reason most of these metal tunes don’t seem to use the high
strings very much, do they? You will only see the bottom three strings
throughout this tab.
Palm muting? Don’t worry about it. Except for cutting notes short,
none of the notes in these riffs need to be muted.
I didn’t much feel like figuring out the solo in this track. You’re on
your own if you think you can play it.
Tuning is Drop-Db. This means tune to Eb then drop the sixth string down
one full step to Db.
Time signatures change once or twice in this tune. Changes look like this:
|7:—-| For those of you who don’t know, 7/8 is simply a normal
|8:—-| 4-beat measure with one half-beat taken off.
|——| Listen to the song and you’ll understand.
|—*-/—| This means ‘repeat the last measure’
Generally one dash is a sixteenth note in length. So —- is one beat.
Pat О’Brien has the left stereo channel, Jack Оwеn the right.
And finally, since the lyrics to Cannibal Corpse songs are so amusing,
and this song is no exception, I have included them in the proximity of
the riffs they should be sung to.
Tempo 275 bpm (hahaha, good luck)
Db |—————-|—————-|
Ab |5——-3—2—|6——-4—3—|
Db |7——-5—4—|8——-6—5—|
Both Gtrs play Intro 4x
Then play:
Db |-LeftGtr——–|———|———|7:—————|
Ab |2—————|———|———|8:—————|
Db |4—————|———|———|—————–|
| | | | |
Db |-RightGtr——-|—*-/—|—*-/—|7:——-0h3-0h4-|
Ab |3222222252222222|—-/—-|—-/—-|8:-322222——–|
Db |—————-|—/-*—|—/-*—|—————–|
Db |4:—————–|———|———|—————-|
Ab |4:-2—————|———|———|—————-|
Db |—4—————|———|———|—————-|
| | | | |
Db |4:—————–|—*-/—|—*-/—|–0h3-0h4-0h3-|
Ab |4:-3222222252222222|—-/—-|—-/—-|22————–|
Db |——————-|—/-*—|—/-*—|—————-|
Db |—————-|————–0h|3-0h4-0h3-0h4-0h|3-0h4-0h3|
Ab |2222222252222222|32222222522222–|—————-|—————|
Db |4—————|—————-|—————-|—————|
| | | | |
Db |—————-|————–0h|3-0h4-0h3-0h4-0h|3-0h4-0h3|
Ab |3222222252222222|32222222522222–|—————-|—————|
Db |—————-|—————-|—————-|—————|
Db |—————-|—*-/—|3h4p3h4-2h3p2h3-|1h2p1h2-0h1p0h1-|
Ab |3222222252222222|—-/—-|—————-|—————-|
Db |—————-|—/-*—|—————-|—————-|
| | | | |
Db |—————-|—*-/—|—————-|—————-|
Ab |3222222252222222|—-/—-|—————-|—————-|
Db |—————-|—/-*—|3h4p3h4-2h3p2h3-|1h2p1h2-0h1p0h1-|
Main Riff
Db |—————-|—*-/—|—*-/—|——0h2-0h3—|
Ab |3222222252222222|—-/—-|—-/—-|322222———-|
Db |—————-|—/-*—|—/-*—|—————-|
Db |—————-|—*-/—|————–0h|3-0h4-0h3-0h1—|
Ab |3222222252222222|—-/—-|32222222522222–|—————-|
Db |—————-|—/-*—|—————-|—————-|
Db |—————-|————–0h|3-0h4-0h3-0h4-0h|3-0h4-0h3-0h1—|
Ab |3222222252222222|32222222522222–|—————-|—————-|
Db |—————-|—————-|—————-|—————-|
Db |—————-|—*-/—|3h4p3h4-2h3p2h3-|1h2p1h2-0h1p0h1-| L-Gtr
Ab |3222222252222222|—-/—-|—————-|—————-|
Db |—————-|—/-*—|3h4p3h4-2h3p2h3-|1h2p1h2-0h1p0h1-| R-Gtr
Both Gtrs play Main Riff 1x with lyrics:
The basement incinerator
Is where they’ll put the dead
Hose the floor and clean the room
Anywhere they bled
Into boxes go the bags
Fill the space with rocks
In the dark of night
He throws them off the docks
Rotting in the river
Never to be found
Under tons of concrete
Deep beneath the ground
From behind he grabs his mouth
The blade goes to the neck
Bulging veins pumping blood
He struggles to protect
Chorus Riff
Db |-LeftGtr——–|—————-|4-4-4-4———|—————-|
Ab |2-2-2-2———|————5-5-|——–5-5-4-4-|5-5-5-5-3-3-3-3-|
Db |——–4-4-3-3-|0-0-0-0-6-6—–|—————-|—————-|
| | | | |
Db |-RightGtr——-|—————-|4-4-4-4———|3-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-|
Ab |2-2-2-2———|————5-5-|——–5-5-4-4-|—————-|
Db |——–4-4-3-3-|0-0-0-0-6-6—–|—————-|—————-|
Db |-BothGtrs——-|—————-|—————-|————6-6-|
Ab |2-2-2-2———|————5-5-|——–5-5-8-8-|5-5-5-5-8-8—–|
Db |——–4-4-3-3-|0-0-0-0-6-6—–|6-6-6-6———|—————-|
Play Chorus Riff 2x with lyrics:
If you don’t cut open the stomach
The corpse will rise and float
The victim is discovered dead
Rotting organs bloat
The killer chops the body
With a scalpel and an axe
The parts are then drained
And put into the sacks
Play Main Riff again, RightGtr only for the first 4 bars, then Both
Gtrs and lyrics:
Grab the neck, Slit the throat, Take the life
Hang the corpse – Prepare to drain the blood
Bone saw, meat cleaver, filleting knife
Carve the corpse – Dissect him in the tub
Smash the teeth, Slice off scars, Crush the bones
With a crowbar – Scrape off all tattoos
Repeat Chorus Riff (with same lyrics)
Then Both Gtrs play the following, first 8 bars with lyrics:
Db |—————-|—————-|3——-1—0—|4——-2—1—|
Ab |5——-3—2—|6——-4—3—|3——-1—0—|4——-2—1—|
Db |7——-5—4—|8——-6—5—|—————-|—————-|
Chunks of a skull, Sawn in half bones
Db |6——-4—3—|7——-5—4—|9——-7—6—|10——8—7—|
Ab |6——-4—3—|7——-5—4—|9——-7—6—|10——8—7—|
Db |—————-|—————-|—————-|—————-|
Body is found, Killer unknown
Db |————————|—*-/—|—*-/—|——————–|
Ab |————————|—-/—-|—-/—-|——————–|
Db |x—x-x-x—x—x-x-x—|—/-*—|—/–*–|x—x-x-x—3h4p3h4-|
e s s e e s s e e s s e
====3====/ ====3====/ ====3====/
Db |————————|—*-/—|—*-/—|—————-|
Ab |————————|—-/—-|—-/—-|—————-|
Db |x—x-x-x—x—x-x-x—|—/-*—|—/–*–|3h4p3h4-2h3p2h3-|
e s s e e s s e
====3====/ ====3====/
Db |————————|—*-/—|—————-|—————-|
Ab |————————|—-/—-|—————-|—————-|
Db |x—x-x-x—x—x-x-x—|—/-*—|3h4p3h4-2h3p2h3-|1h2p1h2-0h1p0h1-|
e s s e e s s e
====3====/ ====3====/
Db |-LeftGtr—————-|—*-/—|—————-|—————-|
Ab |————————|—-/—-|—————-|—————-|
Db |x—x-x-x—x—x-x-x—|—/-*—|3h4p3h4-2h3p2h3-|1h2p1h2-0h1p0h1-|
|e s s e e s s e | | | |
|====3====/ ====3====/ | | | |
| | | | |
Db |-RightGtr—————|—*-/—|3h4p3h4-2h3p2h3-|1h2p1h2-0h1p0h1-|
Ab |————————|—-/—-|—————-|—————-|
Db |x—x-x-x—x—x-x-x—|—/-*—|—————-|—————-|
e s s e e s s e
====3====/ ====3====/
LeftGtr plays Main Riff while RightGtr solos
Song ends on
Db |—————-|
Ab |9|
Db |9|
Well, that proves it, Cannibal Corpse rules.
E-mail me with any questions, requests, corrections…