CD: The Science of Things
Tabber: Mitchell ([email protected])
Tuning: Dropped D (DADGBe)
Warning: this tab is really CHEAP, and it doesn’t have any lead to it.
The verses have Nigel playing some stuff that I can’t get.
I just wanted to put out a tab for this song, cuz it’s smoo.
Main riff:
e —————————————–
B —————————————–
G —————————————–
D -12-0-0–10-0-0–8-0-0–7-0-0–8-0–7-0–
A -12-0-0–10-0-0–8-0-0–7-0-0–8-0–7-0–
D -12-0-0–10-0-0–8-0-0–7-0-0–8-0–7-0–
Verse: (you can get away with just palm muting this)
e ——————————————————————–
B ——————————————————————–
G ——————————————————————–
D -7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7–10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10–12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12–
A -7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7–10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10–12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12–
D -7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7–10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10–12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12–
e ——————————————————-
B ——————————————————-
G ——————————————————-
D -12-12-12-12-12–10-10-10-10-10–8-8-8-8-8–7-7-7-7-7–
A -12-12-12-12-12–10-10-10-10-10–8-8-8-8-8–7-7-7-7-7–
D -12-12-12-12-12–10-10-10-10-10–8-8-8-8-8–7-7-7-7-7–
After second chorus:
e ————————-|—————–
B ————————-|—————–
G ————————-|—————–
D -8~—-7~—-8~—-7~—-|—————–
A -8~—-7~—-8~—-7~—-|—————–
D -8~—-7~—-8~—-7~—-|-7~—-5~—-0~–
Chords: D5: 000xxx A5: 777xxx A#5: 888xxx C5: 101010xxx D5(2): 121212xxx
Tab originally from: