Album: Burzum
Song: The crying orc
Transcribed By: Некоn Rаmsкjжr
Email: [email protected]
h – hammer on
Tunning E A D G B E
I saw this was done allready, but I think my version is more correct.
I tried to tab the rythm in the song to make it even easyer to play,
but you will have to listen to the song to get it 100% right.
Guitar1 plays this riff through the whole song(10 times)
Guitar2 comes in the third time and plays 4 times.
Play variation 1 and 2 every other time…
Variation1(1 and 3 time)
Variation2(2 and 4 time)
…and end with the note showed below after playing the riff above.
Let the note ring out as long as your guitars sustain allows you, while
guitar 1 continiue playing his riff for a few more rounds…