fourteen rivers fourteen floods
album: one foot in the grave
submitted by m. burgess
Beck plays variations on this throughout, but
this touches on each significant riff involved
open C# w/slide
C# ||–0–/4–5–7~————/7p0–4~———-
G# ||——————–0—–/7—————-
F ||—————–x–0——————x–0-
C# ||—————–x–0——————x–0-
G# ||—————–x———————x–0-
C# ||———————–0————–0—–
Fourteen rivers
fourteen floods
send your body to the heavens above.
Don’t get drunk
don’t get dry
just bring your money next Saturday night.
Forty miles on a cattle trail
with a happy mule
and nothing on my mind
all my life I’ve been talking fast
taking all the things
that I should have let pass.
Throw my hat on a coffee mill
put another brick
in the fire place.
Well I don’t know about you or me
but some got loose
back on down.