Larger Than Life
It’s not all my work, I found the file on your page. It was written by Evgeny Naidenov.
But I found that it sounded strange, so not right and lacks some parts. So these are my
corrections, this is how the song sounds to me.
backstreet boys/larger than life.
1. I may run and hide when u’re sceamin’ my name al-right
2. Look in at the crowd and I see your body sway come on
but let me tell you now____ there are pric-es to fame__ al right
wish in I could thank you in a dif-fer ent way__ come on
all of our time spent___ in flash-es__ of light….______________
cause all of your time spent___ keeps us__ a – live…._______________
all you peo-ple cant you see cant you see how your love’s af-fect-ing our re – al-i-ty ?
Ev-ry time we’re down, you can make it right and that makes you larg – er___ than life
note: continue with the second verse and the chorus
to end the song,i hope you like the song.
Tommi Kahn