Them Bones Solo
Transcribed by justin miller
*note – this is my first time tabbing a solo, and its pretty hard, but
it is fun. I think i did a pretty good job considering it took
me like two hours. Hope you enjoy!!! Send comments, or
corrections to: [email protected] thanks!
pm–| = Palm mute everthing from pm to |
v = vibrato
#b(#) = bend first note to pitch of note in parenthesis
#b(#)r(#) = bend and relese the ame way as bend
x = mute with palm an left hand fingers by touching string lightly
p = pull off
h = hammer on
pm—–| pm—–| pm—–|
pm hold
/do all this under the 2nd guitar’s solo–
/hold a sec pm————–
——————————–0(dive w/bar)-0-0-0-0-1-1-1-1-
2nd Guitar’s Solo
??????This is wrong… but it’s my best interpretation??????
pm————-| pm–| pm–|
thats all of it