Title: Angry Chair
Album: Face lift
Transcribed by: Jeff Easton
Email: [email protected]
This is a pretty easy song. Shouldn’t take you
too long.
This is that beginning riff let this one keep going distorted
little boy made a mistake…..
I dont mind the air…. listen for timing
From: winston campbell
Subject: ANGRY CHAIR by Alice In Chains
Angry Chair
(words & music by Layne Staley)
First of all, like most Alic In Chains song, this song is in Eb tuning,
meaning tuning down the whole guitar one half step down. This song has
basically two guitar riffs throughout the verse. One guitar plays:
Eb —————–
Bb —————–
Gb —————–
Db —————–
Ab ——2—–3—-
Eb –0—–0——–
This riff is sort of a play off of Eb5 to Eb#5. The other guitar, I
believe just plays and Eb5 power chord. The part that goes -what do I
see cross the way, heeyyy….- is:
Eb ———————
Bb ———————
Gb ——————— (the fifth fret is bended)
Db –3-3-3-3-2–2——-
Ab –3-3-3-3-2–2——-
Eb –1-1-1-1-0–0–5b—
The other part to the song, the emotional -I don~t mind- part is:
Eb —————————————————-
Bb —————————————————-
Gb —————————————————-
Db –7–7–9–9-9–4–4–5–5–7–7–9–9-9–2—–2bb-
Ab –7–7–9–9-9–4–4–5–5–7–7–9–9-9–2———
Eb –5–5–7–7-7–2–2–3–3–5–5–7–7-7–0———
And that is basically it!