Riff 1:
–0——————0——————–] Repeat until verse section
Repeat Riff 1 twice, then play Riff 2 once
Riff 2:
Now repeat Riff 1 three times, then play
Riff 3:
Now play Riff 1 one time and enter Pre-Chorus
Chord Progression:
B Bsus4 B B B A A A A A A A A F# F#
F# F# F# F F F F F F F F F F F F F
Note: On second time through, play Fill 1 along
with Chord Progression
Fill 1:
Fill 2:
Note: Play after second time through Pre-Chorus.
This leads into the Chorus and becomes the Chorus
Chord Progression (same as Fill 2):
D A Esus4 E7