#This OLGA file is the author’s own work and represents their interpretation #
#of the song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or #
#research. Remember to view this file in Courier, or some other monospaced #
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Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 17:09:46 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: a/a_perfect_circle/wake_the_dead.tab
# Title: Wake The Dead #
# Written By: A Perfect Circle #
# Tabbed by: J.S. #
# Email: [email protected] #
# (Any corrections or suggestions are welcome.) #
Open G Tuning (Open E [E,B,E,G#,B,E], Capo III)
(Strings are labeled respective to E tuning.
Tabs are written respective to capoed guitar.)
This song works best with fingerpicking.
h- hammer-on
^- pull-off
/- slide up
– slide down
This piece is only the acoustic part. The solo that goes over
this I think is played on an electric violin, but I’m working
on tabbing it out for guitar. If anyone can play that part on
guitar, please email me with the tabs.
Riff 1:
e ———-4——2h4^2——————–4—–2————
B –5———————4/5——-5—————4/5——–
E —-0——-0—————0——–0—–0—————–
B ————————————————————-
E ————————————————————-
Riff 2:
e ———————————————0—————
B –5———-5–4———-4—2—–4^2————–2——
E —–0————-0————-0—–0——–0————
B –5——-5—–0——-0——2—–2——-2—————
E ————————————————————-
Riff 3:
e ————————————————————-
B –0———0—–0——–0—-0—–4-5-4-5-4————–
E ————————————————-0———–
B —–0—————0————-0————————-
E –4——-4——-4——4——5—————————-
Riff 4:
e ————————————————————-
B ———-2————————————————–
E ——–0—-0———————————————–
B –2———————————————————-
E ————————————————————-
Riff 5:
e ————————————————————–
B ———2—————2————–2————-2——-
E ——-0—-0———0—-0———0—-0———0—0—–
B -2—————2——————————————–
E ——————————–2—————2————-
Riff 6: Last time only end with…
e ———————I—————————————-
B –2——————I———2——————————
E ——–0—–0——I——0———————————
B —————–2—I————2(let ring)—————–
E ———————I—————————————-
Riff 1: 6x
Riff 2: 8x
Riff 3: 4x
Riff 4: 8x
Riff 5: 4x
Riff 2: 8x
Riff 3: 7x
Riff 4: 8x
Riff 5: 4x
Continue to play Riff 5 slower and slower
(if you listen to the song u can hear the pace slow)
Then play
Riff 6: 3x
And you’re done!